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  • By Admin
  • 13 Jul, 2021
Teeth Whitening — Naples, FL — Bradley Piotrowski, DDS, MSD, LLC
Teeth whitening is one of the most exciting subjects in dentistry, but it can sometimes be difficult to separate teeth whitening fact from fiction. Misinformation about teeth whitening leads some people to use products that have no real benefit, or even products that could harm their teeth. This guide will debunk four common teeth whitening myths so you can make the right choices for whitening your teeth.

Myth 1: Alternative Teeth Whitening is Effective

Natural health solutions have widespread appeal, but purported natural teeth whitening alternatives will not provide the results you're looking for. One claim you will occasionally hear is that acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes can remove stains by rubbing them on your teeth. Citric acid cannot remove stains but may discolor your teeth further by eroding dental enamel and exposing a darker material called dentin.

Oil pulling is another natural treatment that some believe to have teeth whitening potential. This term refers to swishing oils in your mouth, such as mineral oil or coconut oil. The rationale behind this practice is that the oils are meant to pull impurities out of the teeth that cause discoloration. Unfortunately, oil pulling has no scientific evidence to support it.

Myth 2: At-Home Teeth Whitening is all You Need

With over-the-counter teeth whitening kits widely available, many people may wonder why they need to visit their dentist for whitening at all. While many at-home teeth whitening kits can provide mild to moderate
results, there is no substitute for professional whitening.

Dentists use advanced whitening solutions that are usually based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. After the solution is applied, a UV light is used to activate the peroxide and kickstart the chemical whitening process. This professional whitening solution can restore enamel several shades whiter than any at-home whitening product.

Myth 3: Teeth Whitening is Permanent

As effective as professional teeth whitening is, the idea that you only ever need one whitening treatment is too good to be true. Your teeth should remain noticeably whiter for anywhere from several months to a few years after whitening. However, multiple whitening treatments will be needed to keep your smile bright and white for a lifetime.

The amount of time between whitenings will also depend on how well you maintain your dental hygiene, as well as your other habits. Brushing your teeth frequently will prevent plaque from hardening into tartar that can't be removed by brushing. Dark beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine will darken your teeth more quickly, as will tobacco use.

Myth 4: Teeth Whitening Works on Dental Prosthetics

Dental veneers and crowns that are made of ceramic or porcelain are very similar in color and luster to natural tooth enamel. Unfortunately, these dental prosthetics can also stain much like your natural teeth, and you don't have the same options available for removing these stains as you do for stained teeth.

Teeth whitening takes advantage of the porous structure of dental enamel to allow for deep cleaning. Dental prosthetics are not porous in the same way as natural enamel, so they do not readily absorb peroxide and other whitening treatments. Once stains have developed on veneers or crowns, the prosthetic must be replaced to restore a like-new appearance to the affected teeth.

Professional teeth whitening is fast, safe, and it gives everyone the chance to have a vibrant, healthy smile. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, don't let teeth whitening myths distract you. Visit the dental office of Bradley Piotrowski, DDS, MSD, LLC so we can help you turn your dream smile into a reality!
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